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Jackson was successful at outmaneuvering a larger Union force and nearly destroyed it

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Q: What role did Stonewall Jackson play at the second battle of bull run?
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What were the names of the Confederate generals that where in the Second Battle of Bull Run?

Stonewall Jackson

Who were the commanders at bull run?

In the first battle at Bull Run (1861), gen. McDowell for the Union and gen. "Stonewall" Jackson for the Confederates. In the second battle at Bull Run (1862), gen. Pope for the Union and again gen. 'Stonewall' Jackson for the Confederates.

Who won battle of second bull run?

Confederates - Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson

At what battle did Jackson stonewall get his nickname?

bull run

What general won the second Battle of Bull Run?

Robert E.Lee - with the usual help from Stonewall Jackson

Which side won the second battle of the bull run?

The Confederates under Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson.

general who won the Battle of Bull Run/ Battle of Manassas?

Stonewall Jackson

What role did Stonewall Jackson play the second Battle of Bull Run?

Jackson was successful at outmaneuvering a larger Union force and nearly destroyed it

What general helped the confederacy when the Battle of Bull Run?

stonewall jackson

Commander who got his nickname at the Battle of Bull Run?

"stonewall" Jackson

Who commanded the Confederate troops at the First Battle of Bull Run?

"Stonewall" Jackson

General Stonewall Jackson led the confederacy to victory at which battle?

bull run