

What role did William play in the feudal system?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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William who? William Hung? He did absolutely nothing

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Q: What role did William play in the feudal system?
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He did not in his later life find the feudal system interesting and did not care about who owed what

What was the role of noblewoman the feudal system?

The role of noble woman in the feudal system was to take the lords place when the lord was at war

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An Artisan provided for the needs of the manor, a chapel, forest for hunting, and pastureland for farm animals.

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the monarchs during the feudal system were the feudal lords they were excepted to keep protection for their vassals

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The role of noble woman in the feudal system was to take the lords place when the lord was at war

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An Artisan provided for the needs of the manor, a chapel, forest for hunting, and pastureland for farm animals.

What was the role of noblewoman in the feudalism system?

The role of noble woman in the feudal system was to take the lords place when the lord was at war

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They were to keep an eye out for the king. The lords and ladies hired knights and gave money to the king when needed.

In the feudal system were there any advantages for the peasants?

No, there was no advantage to being a peasant. The feudal system was designed to benefit the upper classes, not the lower. People did not choose to be peasants, they were forced into that role.

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Lords were very important in Ancient China. This is because the country was run on a feudal system in which lords owned parts of the land and the people in it.

What was the role of the vassal in the feudal system society?

managing the operation of the fief and pledging loyalty to the lord

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The merchants would buy items from artisans and farmers and sell them.