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Q: What role did William willberforce play in the abolition of slavery in the british empire?
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What role did William Wilberforce play in the abolition of slavery in the British empire?

He was an early leader of the movement to abolish slavery and helped found the Anti-Slavery Society.

What did William wilberforce do?

The Abolition of Slavery

How was William Wilberforce a member of Parliament able to affect the future of slavery in Britain?

By trying to get slavery banned throughout the British Empire.

Who was the Worlds first anti slavery society?

In 1775 the founding of the Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery (PAS), the world's first antislavery society and the first Quaker anti-slavery society. no this isn't true, he tells bad lies

What are facts about William wilberforce?

He was born in Hull on the 24th August 1759.He was the son of a wealthy merchant.He studied at Cambridge University.In 1780, he became Member of Parliament for Hull, later he represented Yorkshire.He was a deeply religious English MP.He was influenced to act against the slave trade by Thomas ClarksonHe risked everything to speak up for the slaves who couldn't. He said that God made men equal and we should live by thatThe British campaign to abolish slavery started at the beginning of the 1780s. William Wilberforce joined the movement in the mid 1780s. The British government abolished slavery in just three days before he died.His campaign to abolish slavery took 50 years to accomplish.He died on 29th July 1833.In 2004, he was named the greatest ever Yorkshire man because of his driving force behind the abolition of the slave trade.

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Do you like William Willberforce?

I did not know who wiiliam willberforce was until i saw the film amazing grace,which was made in his honor.I was so moved by his dedication and strength of character also his fight to abolish slavery. so my answer is yes'i like William willberforce.

Which historical figure a major role in the abolition of slavery in the british empire?

William Wilberforce

Which historical figure played a major role in the abolition of slavery in the British empire?

William Wilberforce

What role did William Wilberforce play in the abolition of slavery in the British empire?

He was an early leader of the movement to abolish slavery and helped found the Anti-Slavery Society.

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The British...

Who brought and end slavery in Jamaica?

The British crown abolished slavery in Jamaca as of 1834, as a result of the Slavery Abolition Act 1833 of the Parliament of the United Kingdom abolishing slavery throughout the British Empire. This was as a result of the campain lead by William Wilberforce.

Why is William Wilberforce famous for?

He was leader of a movement to abolish the slave trade. His campaign led to the Slavery Abolition Act of 1833 which abolished slavery in most of the British Empire

Why is William Wilberforce famous?

William Willberforce was an English politician, philanthropist, and the leader of a movement to abolish the slave trade. He is famous because he is largely responsible for the abolition of slavery. The related question below contains more information.

Did Bahamas have slave working on it?

As a British colony, the Bahamas had slavery up until it was banned by the Slavery Abolition Act passed by the British Parliament in 1834. The abolition of slavery was a staged process which was completed by 1840.

How did british policy towards slavery change?

The British officially ended slavery in 1833 when the Slavery Abolition Act took effect.

Did the british outlaw slavery in the colonies?

Yes, the British Empire outlawed slavery in its colonies through the Slavery Abolition Act of 1833. The act provided for the gradual abolition of slavery in most British territories, with full emancipation achieved by 1838.

What was the role of William pitt in the abolition of slavery?

He said no slveryfxnc xcxz