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Q: What role did bacteria and other tiny organisms have in making sure that nutrients are always available in ecosystems?
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What would happen to a crop if the nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the soil were destroyed?

it decreases the nutrients available for living organisms.

What do bacteria do best?

Bacteria collects nutrients from dead organisms.

Why is it important that decomposers such as bacteria release nutrients?

If nutrients are not released then life processes will cease and no new organisms will be formed. Bacteria feeds on carbon compounds to break down the dead organisms and release nutrients.

What word describes microbes which gain nutrients from once living organisms?

Fungi and Bacteria that gain nutrients from once living organisms are called decomposers. Organisms that gain nutrients from living organisms is called parasites.

How can amount or concentration of nutrients affect the type of organisms found in freshwaters?

The amount of nutrients in freshwater will determine what type of organisms there are. If there is bacteria in the water, it may affect the nutrients and contaminate them, which will affect the organisms that live in the water.

What proceed allows bacteria to recycle organic nutrients by breaking down dead organisms?

it's called decomposing (I think) because it breaks down from other organisms (hope this helps!)

What organisms would you consider the most important keystone organisms in the food web?

Bacteria is the most important organism because bacteria gets the nutrients from dead plants and animals, and then it provides the nutrients for the grass to be able to grow.

What decompose a lion?

fungi, bacteria, and not mushrooms

What happens when organisms?

When an organism dies, it is broken down into nutrients by bacteria, which can be absorbed by plants.

Why would life on earth die out without bacteria?

Bacteria play a crucial role in various ecosystems by cycling nutrients, decomposing organic matter, and maintaining soil fertility. Without bacteria, other organisms would struggle to survive due to the lack of nutrient recycling and decomposition processes that bacteria facilitate. This would disrupt the balance of ecosystems and ultimately lead to the decline and extinction of many life forms on Earth.

Why are bacteria considered decomposer's?

Because they break down dead organisms into nutrients.

What role do chemosynthetic bacteria play in deep-sea volcanic-vent ecosystems?

It serves as a food source to organisms in the deep water