

What role did miep gies play in the holocaust?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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She was one of the Franks helpers.

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Q: What role did miep gies play in the holocaust?
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What school did meip gies go to?

Miep Gies attended the Lyceum of Utrecht in the Netherlands. She later became known for her role in helping to hide Anne Frank and her family during the Holocaust.

Who is miep gies what specifically does she do for the family?

Miep Gies was one of the helpers who sheltered Anne Frank and her family during the Holocaust. She, along with others, provided food, supplies, and emotional support to the Frank family while they were in hiding. Gies played a crucial role in ensuring their survival and preserving Anne Frank's diary.

Was Miep Gies a Jew?

No, Miep Gies was not Jewish. She was a Dutch citizen who worked for Otto Frank, helping to hide his family, including Anne Frank, during World War II. Miep Gies played a crucial role in supporting and protecting the Frank family.

What was miep's job when she worked for MR Frank?

Miep Gies worked as a secretary and office manager for Otto Frank, Anne Frank's father, at his company in Amsterdam. She played a crucial role in assisting the Frank family during their time in hiding and helped to provide them with food, supplies, and emotional support.

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The Nuremberg trials were post Holocaust.

What role did denmark play in the Holocaust?

They were from top to bottom, resistors of the Nazi oppression of Judaism.

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Great Britain was a bystander in the Holocaust.

How did diversity plays a role in the Holocaust?

It did not play much of a role, as no matter how diverse the victims were, they ultimately shared the same fate.

What role did the German military play in the Holocaust?

The German military played different roles in the Holocaust. They helped in rounding up undesirables and also played a major role in the executions in collaboration with Einsatzgruppen.

What role did the Soviets play in liberating holocaust victims?

They liberated the most infamous camp - Auschwitz.

What did fascism have to do with the holocaust?

Nothing. It is easy to generalise and associate Nazism with Fascism, but the Fascist nations did not play an active role in the Holocaust and arguably Japan did more against the Holocaust than most democracies.

What role did technology play in the carrying out of the Nazi Holocaust?

Technology played a massive role in the Holocaust; it was known as the first industrialised mass murder. Technology allowed for the killing of great numbers of people and the disposal of their remains.