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Q: What role did these early forms of government play in the development of a national government?
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What are the different ways in which early settlers in the English colonies developed new and unique forms of government?

What are the different ways which early settlers in the English colonies developed new and unique forms of government?

What are the different ways in which early settlers in the English colonies developed new and unique forms of government?

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What provided the basic framework for the national government?

What forms of municipal government closely matched the structure of state and national government with a distinct executive and legislative branch?

A Mayor-council structure closely matches the structure of state and national government with a distinct executive and legislative branch.

What are the different ways in which early settlers in the English colonies developed new and unique form of government?

What are the different ways in which early settlers in the English colonies developed new and unique forms of government?

What was one way in early colonists in north America practiced forms of self-government?

the house of burgesses.

What is the system of government which guarantees each state representation at the national level?

Federalism is the system of government which guarantees each state representation at the national level. Other forms of government include fascism, constitutional monarchy, and republic.

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National governments were one of the first forms of government ever invented

When elected who forms the new government?

The group of members that have the majority vote, Historicaly either labour or liberal national.

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It shows how life forms are all very similar in early development stages.

Is morula the first stage of development?

Yes, the morula is the stage of development after the zygote undergoes multiple rounds of cell division and forms a solid ball of cells. It is the early stage of embryonic development before it develops into a blastocyst.