

What role do decomposers play in the the nitrogen cycle?

Updated: 10/25/2021
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7y ago

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Decomposers break down the corpses and wastes of organisms and release the Nitrogen they contain as ammonia. This is called "Ammonification."

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Vivien Cassin

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Q: What role do decomposers play in the the nitrogen cycle?
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The decomposers , bacteria, and fungi, break down waste and dead organisms returning nitrogen they contain back into the soil.

Is the nitrogen cycle possible without decomposers andf why?

No, the nitrogen cycle requires decomposers to break down organic matter and release nitrogen back into the ecosystem. Decomposers play a crucial role in recycling nitrogen by breaking down dead organisms and organic material, returning essential nitrogen compounds to the soil for plants to use. Without decomposers, nitrogen would remain trapped in dead matter and not be available for plants to take up, disrupting the nitrogen cycle.

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Producers (incorporate it into organic) and bacteria play a major role in the nitrogen cycle.

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Bacteria is the organism most critical in the nitrogen cycle. Bacteria in the nitrogen cycle provides different forms of nitrogen compounds used by higher organisms.

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Microorganisms and microscopic organisms. They are important to biodiversity because they act as decomposers in ecosystems that nutrient recycle and they also play an important role in the nitrogen cycle.

What is the role of decomposers in the notrogen cycle?

Yes,Whenever an organism dies, decomposers break down the corpse into nitrogen in the form of ammonia. This nitrogen can then be used again by nutrifying bacteria to fixnitrogen for the plants

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theyre gey

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What is the role of decomposes in the nitrogen cycle?

Decomposers have a very important role in the nitrogen cycle. They convert nitrogen found in other organisms into ammonia so it can be returned to the soil. Some use a process called denitrification to return nitrogen directly to the atmosphere.

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