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Coenzyme Q10 stimulates the lipid metabolism which in turn affects the body's ability to break down food into energy.

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Q: What role does coenzyme q10 play in human metabolism?
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What is acethyl CoA?

What is Coenzyme A?Photosynthetic plants convert light energy into chemical energy. Using their photosynthetic products (ATP, NAD(P)H, and carbon skeleton), plants have unique ability to assimilate soil and atmospheric elements into compounds usable by human and animals. Photosynthesis provides carbon precursors and cofactors for many of the essential plant biosynthetic pathways, of which coenzyme A (CoA) is one of their products.Function of Coenzyme A in PlantsCoenzyme A is a cofactor for 4% of the enzymes in plants. Coenzyme-a is converted into acyl-coenzyme-A (CoA), mainly acetyl-coenzyme-A (CoA), upon reaction with carbohydrate catabolites. Acetyl-coenzyme-A (CoA) is a key substrate in important metabolisms such as citric acid cycle (TCA cycle), fatty acid, some amino acids, flavonoid, wax, isoprenoid, lignin synthesis and storage lipid degradation. These biochemical pathways generate intermediate metabolites that play a role in the adaptation of the plant to changing environmental conditions, defense against pests, nutritional value, pigment and structural component synthesis. Acetyl-coenzyme-a (CoA) also mediates synthesis of secondary metabolites (natural products) of pharmaceutical and industrial significance.

What is the role of the liver in fat metabolism?

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What role do enzymes play in metabolism?

They control all reactions of metabolism . Enzymes speed up all reactions in body .

Describe the role that enzymes play in the process of metabolism?

Enzymes increase the rate of the chemical reactions carried out during metabolism.

What does the liver play role in protein metabolism?

The liver has a central role in lipid metabolism. The liver produces bile, which is required for efficient intestinal fat absorption. The post-absorptive stages of metabolism occur from the lipid absorption in the intestines.

What is the role of coenzyme a in a cell?

It converts acetic acid to a form that can enter the mitochondria.

Are lysosomes role in metabolism excretion?

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