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None. Napoleon, being a man, would be overthrown

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Q: What role does napoleon assume when man is overthrown?
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What was Napoleon's role in the Napoleonic Wars?

to be a little man with a big attitude. no, just kidding, generl, i think...

Did Prometheus create man before Kronos was chopped into tiny pieces?

The chronology of the Greek myth is often contradictory. But Prometheus and Zeus never got along, so one might assume that the actions of Prometheus were after Zeus had overthrown Cronus.

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'Napoleon Solo' was played by Robert Vaughn .

Who was the man that eroica dedicated to the memory of a great man?

Beethoven's Symphony No. 3 (which is what I assume you're referring to) was intended to be dedicated to Napoleon Bonaparte (and was originally scheduled to be called "Bonaparte"), but the composer became disgusted when Napoleon declared himself Emperor of the French. (The fact that his patrons wouldn't have been terribly happy about it may have had some impact as well.)Nevertheless, it's clear from Beethoven's letters that he had originally written it in honor of Napoleon, and still regarded it that way at the time of Napoleon's death even though he had retitled it and given it an ambiguous dedication.The fact that it was dedicated to the memory of a great man might refer to Beethoven's attempt to dedicate it to Napoleon, the Hero of the Common People (whom Beethoven admired) as distinct from Napoleon I, Emperor of France (which made Beethoven think that Napoleon was just another tyrant).

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the role of the man and woman was the man role was hunt and the woman was to cook

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Who is the most documented man in the world?

Napoleon Bonaparte

Why do men do female impersonations?

I assume that its because they assume it will be funny (I am a man and find a man impersonating a woman creepy)

Who is known as The man of Destiny?

Napoleon Bonaparte is known as "The man of Destiny" for his extraordinary rise to power and military conquests in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. He played a key role in reshaping Europe and left a lasting impact on history.

Who was Napoleon I's husband?

Napoleon never had a husband. In Napoleon's time, there was no such thing as same-sex marriage. Additionally, Napoleon was straight by all reports, so there would have been no desire for him to live with a man.

Who was Napoleon's personal surgeon?

Dominique-Jean Larrey (1766-1842). Praised by Napoleon as "the worthiest man I ever met,".

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