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Earthworms play a large part in soil formation. They loosen the soil for plants and they clean it out of things the soil doesnt need.

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Q: What role does the earthworm play in soil formation?
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question: What role does weathering play in the formation of soil? answer: soil forms as rock is broken down by weathering and mixes with other materials on the surface.

What role does weathering play in the formation of soil?

weathering occurs faster in warm and rainy climate. the rate of which soil forms depends on the climate and type of rock. so soil formation is faster when weathering is quicker too.


weathering occurs faster in warm and rainy climate. the rate of which soil forms depends on the climate and type of rock. so soil formation is faster when weathering is quicker too.

What role does water play in each stage of soil formation?

play a part in chemical reaction also in leaching process and in supporting micro organism activities

What role do earthworms and other living organisms play in soil formation?

the role is to let there plants grow fast so the earth worms could eat them and then pop them :)

Why is earthworm poop good for soil?

Because earthworm poop is dirt and it naturalizes the soil.

What is the most important role that burrowing animals play in the formation of soil?

They move the soil around which gives plants just the right amount of room to spread out and grow.

How does the movement of earthworm in soil helps a farmer?

An earthworm, while moving, chews up some soil and spits out the same amount of soil back into the ground. The soil which was eaten becomes fertile and more plants will grow on fertile soil. therefore, an earthworm helps a farmer by making soil fertile.

Which lives in the soil?


How can you find out wheather an earthworm eats soil?

To find out what an earthworm has been eating an examination of their droppings is needed. If the earthworm has been eating soil, sand will be present in the droppings.

What is the habitat of an earthworm?

the soil it lies in

What is and important role in Soil biological components play?

they are key in soil feritity