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Q: What role does the entrepreneur play?
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Define the role of the entrepreneur?

Define the role of the entrepreneur?

Role of the entrepreneur?

An entrepreneur is a French word meaning someone who is running their own business. There is no role.

What is the role of entrepreneur list some tactics he uses to grow his knowledge?

an entrepreneur roles

What is the role of the entrepreneur in managing an enterprise?

The role of an entrepreneur is starting the organization. Entrepreneurs are business innovators who come up with ideas and set them in motion.

What role does an entrepreneur play in society?

An entrepreneur has to be a person who has possession of a new enterprise, venture or idea, and assumes significant accountability for the inherent risks and the outcome. Entrepreneur in English, is a term applied to the type of personality who is willing to take upon himself a new venture or enterprise and accepts full responsibility for the outcome.

What is the role of entrepreneur in economic growth and development?

gwpa si jessa

What is the role of an entrepreneur in a free enterprise system?

It is a persOn who work For enterprise

What role does the entrepreneur assume as organizer and innovator?

The entrepreneur's role in this view is not merely that of manager and risk-taker, but also of visionary--someone who seeks as much to destroy the old order as to create something new.

What is the role of a nurse entrepreneur?

Nurse entrepreneur refers to the nurses that started or ventured business in the health care industry. It can be a medical device or health products business.

What is the role of motivation in entrepreneurship?

It is one of the crucial elements that keeps an entrepreneur going. Being an entrepreneur means constantly moving forward, and that cannot be done without motivation.

What are the role of enterprenuer in nation building?

The role of entrepreneur in nation building include providing more products and services to the citizens. An entrepreneur also provides more jobs and contribute to taxes to the government that are used in building roads, public schools, and hospitals.

Define the role of a entrepreneur?

solving unmet needs and solving problems of [specific DEMOGRAPHIC] customers.