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The importance of the Star of David during the Holocaust was that it was used in the Concentration Camps, Ghettos and around Nazi controlled areas to identify certin groups of people. Hitler and the Nazis used the Star on David who they thought either were threat to the Nazi reigm or people who they think that weren't "pure". These were used on people who were prosecuted by the Nazis suchas: Jews, Gypsies Romas, Poles, POWs, Homosexuals, Criminals, mentally ill, disabled and Political prisoners.


The Star of David was used exclusively by Jewish residents. The Nazis forced them to wear it for identification. Each group of "undesirables" was given a different symbol to wear. They were called Badges of Shame. For instance, Jews wore a yellow Star of David, homosexuals wore a pink triangle, poltical prisoners red triangle, career criminals wore a green triangle, purple for Jehovah's Witness, brown for Roma and black was reserved for the unfit/disabled etc.

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12y ago

It doesnt help the jews because the star of david is the symbol of the jewish religion

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the star told the nazi if the other people were Jews or not

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Q: How did the Star of David affect the Jews in the Holocaust?
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Who had to wear the star of david?

The Jews of Europe, during the holocaust.

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The Jews were forced to wear that during the Holocaust.

How were Jews identified during the Holocaust?

yellow starduring the holocaust Jews were forced towear a yellow star of david on their clothes.

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to identify them, as far as i recall it was on the left arm.

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During the Holocaust, Jews were made to wear a yellow star of David, or a white armband with a blue Star of David on it.

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In most cases Jews had to buy their yellow stars.

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To allow easy identification of Jews when out in public and walking the streets.

What is the Creator's Star or David's Star?

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What symbol were Jews supposed to display?

It was a six-pointed Star of David, about the size of a human palm, and yellow in color. And it was not worn on the arm, it was worn on the left breast of the outer garment. During the Holocaust Jews were required to wear yellow star of david's on the chest and back of their clothing.

Who did the star of David belong to?

the star of David belonged to king David of the Jews.

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the star of david