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you should pick 4b

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Q: What room do you click on when Papa Pete's pizza asks you where the pizza should arrive?
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Which room does the papa petes pizza on poptropica needed to be sent to?

the first room on the top

How do you dial the number for papa petes pizza on Reality TV Island?

You go to the motel and go to the office there will be a phone on the desk click on it than put in the numbers 555-7383 and press call than it will ask you what pizza you want and you will say plain pizza then it will ask you where you want it delivered and you say room 4b then you will get the pizza and give it to Bucky Lucas

Where do you get the stamp on Poptropica?

go to the motels office on early poptropica. click on the phone and dial 555-7383. petes pizza will pick up and pick room 4b. go outside and you will see the pizza delivery woman. talk to her and you get to deliver the pizza. you will see bucky lucas and talk to him after that he gives you the stamp. mail at the mailbox at the far right.

How do you call petes pizza?

it has it in the tabiloid, which is 555 pete, but the # is 555-7383 NP PPL

Kyle was eager for the pizza to arrive?


How do you pass tv island on poptopica?

you go get the catolog from mikes market then look at petes pizza and fill out the aplication go to the hotel office get the pen click the phone call 555pete then say room 4b go get pizza go to room 4b talk to the man he will give u a stamp and take the aplication mail it then go to the helacopter

What do you use to call petes pizza?

you can find the address for pete's pizza from the magazine. you can get the magazine by talking to the man near the doughnut stand in mike's market.make the call at the hotel and say room 4b (where bucky lucas is)

How do you feel when you're waiting for your pizza to arrive?

You obviously feel hungry if you ordered the pizza.

How do you order food for sim's 2?

You click on the phone. Click order pizza/ groceries. They should come by in about 20 seconds.