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Q: What route the union and confederate troops follow from the battle of the wilderness to the seige of Petersburg?
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Why did Grant decide to continue attacking Lee after the Battle of the Wilderness?

To keep the strategic initiative, forcing Lee to follow him, making the Confederate generalmore and more pinned down tothe covering of Richmond.

Who won wilderness?

It was a stalemate, which Grant was able to transform in a strategic advantage, shifting south towards Richmond, outbalancing Lee, who was forced to hastily follow the Union Army in order to cover the Confederate Capital city.

Where did the battle of wilderness take place?

The battle ended in a stalemate, although the tactical advantage seemed to be on Confederate side. But Grant's decision to slip southward towards Richmond turned to be a strategic advantage for the Union, because the undetected movement outbalanced Lee who was compelled to follow the Federal Army giving in to Grant's strategic initiative.

What is the outcome of battle bull run?

First Bull Run (July 1861) - Confederate victory which they were not able to follow-up, being just as disorganised as the Union army. Second Bull Run (August 1862) - Spectacular Confederate victory by the Lee-Jackson partnership, giving them the confidence to invade the North.

Why was the battle of the wilderness significant?

The battle started the ball rolling for the entire wilderness campaign/ grant's entire offensive. it was also the first stand between Grant and Lee. They then became known as the fathers of the wilderness campaign.ANSWER. It was the start of Grant's Overland Campaign, which culminated with the fall of Richmond and Lee's surrender at Appomattox.The battle was significant for itself because Grant, aware of the stalemate in which both armies were after three days of fighting, at the night of May 7, 1864 "snap decided" to silently abandon his positions, marching southward towards Richmond.Thus, in order to cover the Confederate Capital and prevent Grant from interpose the Army of the Potomac between the Army of Northern Virginia and the city, Lee was compelled to hastily follow and precede the Union Army. By so doing Lee waslosing his freedom of movement and getting more and more to be subject on Grant's strategic initiative as the further battles of the campaign would have demonstrated.

Related questions

What route did Union and confederate troops follow from the battle of the wilderness to siege of petersburg?

Spotsylvania and Coldharbour.

What route did the union and Confederate troops follow from the battle of wilderness to the siege of Petersburg?

Spotsylvania and Coldharbour.

What route did the union and confederate troops follow from the battle of the wilderness to the siege of petersburg?

Spotsylvania and Coldharbour.

Why did Grant decide to continue attacking Lee after the Battle of the Wilderness?

To keep the strategic initiative, forcing Lee to follow him, making the Confederate generalmore and more pinned down tothe covering of Richmond.

What city did the confederate troops follow from the battle of cold harbor?

I think the answer is Richmond, Virginia.

What was the outcome of the battle of wilderness?

The battle ended in a stalemate, although the tactical advantage seemed to be on Confederate side. But Grant's decision to slip southward towards Richmond turned to be a strategic advantage for the Union, because the undetected movement outbalanced Lee who was compelled to follow the Federal Army giving in to Grant's strategic initiative.

Did Ulysses S. Grant lost the battle of wilderness?

The battle ended in a stalemate, although the tactical advantage seemed to be on Confederate side. But Grant's decision to slip southward towards Richmond turned to be a strategic advantage for the Union, because the undetected movement outbalanced Lee who was compelled to follow the Federal Army giving in to Grant's strategic initiative.

Who won wilderness?

It was a stalemate, which Grant was able to transform in a strategic advantage, shifting south towards Richmond, outbalancing Lee, who was forced to hastily follow the Union Army in order to cover the Confederate Capital city.

What actions did the Union and the Confederates follow from the Battle of the Wilderness to the siege of Petersburg?

Following routes were followed after the Battle of The Wilderness:From the Wilderness up to Spotsylvania:A - Union Army:V Corps (Warren) and II Corps (Hancock) - The Wilderness - Todd's Tavern - Spotsylvania;VI Corps (Sedgwick) and IX Corps (Burnside) - The wilderness - Chancellorsville -Aldrich - Spotsylvania;B - Confederate Army :Cavalry divisions Fitzhugh Lee and Hampton, Cavalry brigade Rosser and I Corps (R.C. Anderson) - The Wilderness - Corbin Bridge - Blockhouse Bridge - Spotsylvania;II Corps (Ewell) and III Corps (Early) - The Wilderness - White Hall - Shady Grove Church - Blockhouse Bridge - Spotsylvnia.From Spotsylvania up to Cold Harbor:A) from May 20 through May 26, 1864 Spotsylvania - Milford Station - crossed over the Mattapony River - Chesterfield - North Anna River - crossed the Pamunkey River - Totopotomoy - Cold Harbor.B) - Spotsylvania - North Anna River - Totopotomoy River - Cold Harbor.From Cold Harbor up to Petersburg:A) From June 12 up to June 14, 1864. By means of a feint towards Richmond, carried on by the V Corps and Wilson's cavalry division , which crossed over the Chickahominy River, Grant managed to make the bulk of his army cross over unopposed both the Chickahominy and the James Rivers, deploying his units for the investment of Petersburg, south of the James.B) Lee, cheated by Grant's manoeuvre, make the Confederate Army cross the Chickahominy River and deploy about 10 kilometers north of the James, facing east, to cover Richmond.

What route did the union and confedareate troops follow from the battle of the wilderness to the siege of petersburg?

Answer:Following routes were followed from the Battle of The Wilderness:From the Wilderness up to Spotsylvania:A - Union Army:V Corps (Warren) and II Corps (Hancock) - The Wilderness - Todd's Tavern - Spotsylvania;VI Corps (Sedgwick) and IX Corps (Burnside) - The wilderness - Chancellorsville -Aldrich - Spotsylvania;B - Confederate Army :Cavalry divisions Fitzhugh Lee and Hampton, Cavalry brigade Rosser and I Corps (R.C. Anderson) - The Wilderness - Corbin Bridge - Blockhouse Bridge - Spotsylvania;II Corps (Ewell) and III Corps (Early) - The Wilderness - White Hall - Shady Grove Church - Blockhouse Bridge - Spotsylvania.From Spotsylvania up to Cold Harbor:A) from May 20 through May 26, 1864 Spotsylvania - Milford Station - crossed over the Mattapony River - Chesterfield - North Anna River - crossed the Pamunkey River - Totopotomoy - Cold Harbor.B) - Spotsylvania - North Anna River - Totopotomoy River - Cold Harbor.From Cold Harbor up to Petersburg:A) From June 12 up to June 14, 1864. By means of a feint towards Richmond, carried on by the V Corps and Wilson's cavalry division , which crossed over the Chickahominy River, Grant managed to make the bulk of his army cross over unopposed both the Chickahominy and the James Rivers, deploying his units for the investment of Petersburg, south of the James.B) Lee, cheated by Grant's manoeuvre, make the Confederate Army cross the Chickahominy River and deploy about 10 kilometers north of the James, facing east, to cover Richmond.

Where did the battle of wilderness take place?

The battle ended in a stalemate, although the tactical advantage seemed to be on Confederate side. But Grant's decision to slip southward towards Richmond turned to be a strategic advantage for the Union, because the undetected movement outbalanced Lee who was compelled to follow the Federal Army giving in to Grant's strategic initiative.

What were Robert E. Lee's defeats?

He was defeated at Gettysburgh, after several failures by his subordinates failed to follow up initial successes. He was halted in an invasion at Antietam, Maryland (Sharpesburgh). Although not a real defeat, he was forced to withdraw. He lost to Grant after achieving several victories against that foe in the last year of the war. Grant kept up the pressure on the smaller Confederate army, despite being beaten at The Wilderness, Spotsylvania, Cold Harbor.