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Q: What s block element is not located in group 1A or group 2A in the periodic table?
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Which element is located in the s block period 4 and group 1?

On the periodic table group 4A is carbon, silicon, germanium, tin and lead. (aka "The Carbon Group")

What group is the element helium located in on the periodic table?

Helium is located on the group 18 and period 1 on the modern periodic table.

Which block is the carbon group located?

Carbon is found in the p-block of the periodic table.

What group does zirconium fall into on periodic table?

Group 4 Period 5 d block element

What group of elements does the p block on the periodic table contain?

halogens & noble gases

How many valence electrons does any main block element have?

This depends upon The Periodic Table GROUP to which an element belongs to.

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This element is francium in the first group of periodic table.

Where are the halgens located on the periodic table?

the halogens are located in group 17/ group 7A

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Where is Carbon the element located?

group 14, period 2 on the periodic table

What does the period number on a periodic table represent?

the Atomic number on Periodic Table is the identity of an element in the table , it gives the indications about Group, period and Block of elements it also predicts the chemical and physical properties of the element.

What period is cadmium in?

Cadmium is in 5th group of periodic table, it is a 'd' block element of Zinc family.