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The sacraments are not biblically based. They are the product of the Catholic Church.

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Q: What sacrament did Jesus become truly present to us?
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Why is Baptism the first sacrament?

Jesus is the author of the Sacraments, their dispenser and the cause of their efficacy. He, however, is not properly a sacrament Himself, for a sacrament is a visible sign meant to confer grace when validly administered. The phrase, "Jesus is the first sacrament" may refer to Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, for He is there truly present, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. The Holy Eucharist is not the first sacrament received, however, it is first among the others in its sublime excellence, for in it we really receive God and are in His Divine Presence. The Holy Eucharist also carries with it incredible graces.

Why are sacraments so important to catholics?

All seven sacraments are important for Catholics. I suppose, however that you are talking about the sacrament that is most revered by them, the Eucharist, which they sometimes refer to as the Blessed Sacrament. Catholics believe that after the consecration, what remains of the bread and wine brought to the altar, is truly the body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ under the appearance of bread and wine. The Blessed Sacrament is important for Catholics because Jesus Christ is truly present, and He is very important for Catholics indeed.

What are the benefits of being Catholic?

The benefits are that you are in a Christian religion that Jesus founded, Matthew 16, 17-19. You receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist, where Jesus is truly present, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, Matthew 26, 26-28. You receive the fullness of truth. You receive healing in the Sacrament of Confession by confessing your sins to God. You come to the experience of learning about the mercy and love of God. Every day is a life of prayer and love, offering it up for the greater glory of God.

What does it mean to say that the church is the sacrament of Jesus?

Sacraments does not refer to the Church and Jesus; it refers to things like baptism and the Lord's Supper. Answer 10/April/09 If one understands a sacrament as being something which manifests the presence of God in a real way, then we can see how some theologians do, indeed, refer to both Christ and the Church as sacrament. The theologian, Edward Schillebeck, wrote a book entitled "Christ, the Sacrament of Encounter with God" in which the premise is that Christ, being God enfleshed, is the ultimate presence of the Divine among us. In this sense, Christ is truly THE Sacrament. In that the Church is the Mystical Body of Christ, it too manifests Him to the world, and may be referred to as a sacrament. Referring to Christ and the Church as sacraments does not, of course, diminish the importance, and place, of the seven sacraments formally accepted by the Church in the 16th century. It is simply a broader - and, in to my thinking - a more powerful and dynamic concept of sacrament.

What do you mean by saying Jesus Christ is truly god and truly man?

Jesus Christ is truly God and truly man because the Trinity is 3 persons in one God (meaning all three are truly God) and through the Incarnation Jesus was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and became both truly man and truly God.

Is the Blessed Sacrament the only Real Presence in the Church?

.Roman Catholic AnswerSince "Real Presence" is the term used to describe what the Council of Trent was saying "in the sacrament of the most Holy Eucharist is contained truly, really, and substantially the body and blood, together with the soul and divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, and consequently the whole Christ" (Denzinger 1636, 1640), yes, the Real Presence only refers to the Blessed Sacrament.

What is the meaning great sacrament?

The great sacrament (also called Holy Communion or Eucharist) varies from denomination to denomination. The catholics believe that the bread and wine truly become the body and blood of Christ. They believe that it renews them spiritually and it helps them to remember Christ's sacrifice on the cross. Many protestants look at it as a symbol of the sacrifice.

What do Catholics believe is truly and divine and truly human?

Jesus Christ, son of God, is truly divine and truly human.

In what way is Jesus truly different from us?

Jesus is God. He is and was sinless.

What did Jesus promise to the repentant sinner erom the cross?

Jesus said to the thief on the cross, "Truly, truly, I say unto you, today you will be with Me in paradise."

What did the blood and water that Jesus shed show?

it showed that Jesus was truly dead

Why do you genuflect when you come into church?

Because it's expected of you.It is socially unacceptable for members of your chosen denomination not to do the "special movement" when leaving/entering the "special building". Not all denominations or individuals use the practice, but it is generally regarded as sign of reverence to God by those who do practise it.Catholic AnswerIn a Catholic Church you genuflect anytime that you cross in front of the Blessed Sacrament and before entering and upon leaving a pew. A genuflection is an act of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament which is Our Blessed Lord, Jesus Christ, truly present physically in the tabernacle and/or on the altar.