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Q: What sample is highly compressible at high pressure and expandable at high temperature?
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Do not have definite?

Gases are highly compressible. So they don't have definite volume and pressure. As volume is reduced for a given mass pressure increases. Also as temperature changes then at constant volume pressure changes considerably. Same way for a constant pressure temperature change brings a change in the volume. Moreover gasses do not have a free surface.

Gases do not have definite?

Gases are highly compressible. So they don't have definite volume and pressure. As volume is reduced for a given mass pressure increases. Also as temperature changes then at constant volume pressure changes considerably. Same way for a constant pressure temperature change brings a change in the volume. Moreover gasses do not have a free surface.

When the air be liquid?

the air will be in liquid state when its pressure is increased and its temparature is decreased. eg: CNG is highly compressible gas.

Why tyre inflates when pumped?

Because air is highly-compressible.

Why are the gases highly compressible while solids are almost incompressible?

gases are highly compressible as there molecules have lots of spaces between them while in molecules of solids there is not much space and they are tightly packed .

Is oxygen compressible?

All gases are compressible. Depending on their state. Oxygen can be a gas, a solid or a liquid. Liquid oygen (very very cold) would not be compressible, solid oxygen (frozen) would not either but as a gas at standard conditions - room temperature and pressure - it can be compressed. For example, compressed oxygen is used in emergency vehicles to keep people alive if they are injured or sick. It is extremely flammable, almost explosive so no smoking near a compressed oxygen gas cylinder, OK?

What is the tissue in your penis?

Its highly expandable muscle type tissue, takes in enormous ammount of blood and expands.

Why do gases have an indefinite volume?

Gases have volumes that are dependent on the container it's in; as well as pressure, temperature, and how much of it there is. If one or more of those variables change, then other variables are going to change too. For example, if you raise the temperature of a gas, then the pressure will also increase because temperature is directly proportional to pressure in a fixed amount of gas (see Gay-Lussac's law). This also works for volume: for example, as the pressure goes up, the volume goes down (see Boyle's law). Any one of those factors has influence on a gas because of its unique structure. The particles of both solids and liquids are not free moving and exist within the mass. But particles of gas are free moving with much a lot more space between each particle than in a liquid or solid, making gases highly compressible when pressure and temperature assert themselves. So it is a gases "free moving" structure that enables the volume of a set amount to change.

Does a gas have very low compressibility?

No. Gasses are normally highly compressible. Liquids such as water and melted metals, have low compressibility.

Why are gases highly compressiable while solids are almost incompressible?

gases are highly compressible as there molecules have lots of spaces between them while in molecules of solids there is not much space and they are tightly packed .

What is Remedy ARS?

Remedy Action Request System is a trouble ticketing system, also known as BMC Remedy. It is highly customizable and expandable.

What state do you predict francium to be in at room temperature?

Francium should be a solid at standard temperature and pressure, as is cesium, the element next above it in its Periodic Table column. Note, however, that francium is so highly radioactive that it may be difficult to maintain any actual sample of it at standard temperature and pressure.