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Nitrogen monoxide is a gas at room temperature and pressure.

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Related questions

How is nitrogen monoxide gas written?

Nitrogen monoxide has the formula NO.

Which two elements form nitrogen monoxide?

Nitrogen monoxide (NO) is formed from nitrogen and oxygen.

Chemical formula of nitrogen monoxide?

The chemical formula for nitrogen monoxide is NO. It consists of one nitrogen and one oxygen atom per molecule of nitrogen monoxide.

Nitrogen monoxide would have which of the following formulas?


What is the formula for nitrogen monoxide?

The formula for nitrogen monoxide is NO. It consists of one nitrogen atom and one oxygen atom.

Is nitrogen monoxide a diatomic?

Yes, nitrogen monoxide (NO) is a diatomic molecule because it consists of two atoms of nitrogen.

What is the formula for nitrogen monoxide gas?

The formula for nitrogen monoxide gas is NO.

What is the formula for nitrogen mono oxide?

NO is nitrogen monoxide . NB It is NOT Mono Oxide. it is a combined word 'Monoxide'.

Is nitrogen monoxide a solid a liquid or a gas?

Nitrogen monoxide is a gas at room temperature and pressure.

Nitrogen monoxide and oxygen are called?

Nitrogen monoxide and oxygen are called nitrogen dioxide when combined. It is a reddish-brown gas with a distinctive pungent odor.

Is nitrogen monoxide an example of a covalent compound?

Yes, nitrogen monoxide (NO) is an example of a covalent compound. It is formed by the sharing of electrons between the nitrogen and oxygen atoms.

Nitrogen monoxide - is it an element?

Nitrogen monoxide, with the chemical formula NO, is a compound composed of the elements nitrogen and oxygen. It is not an element on its own, but a simple compound.