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The satellite is pulled towards the Earth by the force of gravity, but it also has it own high velocity in its orbit. As it accelerates downwards towards the centre of the Earth, its velocity keeps track of the Earth's curvature, so it actually stays at the same height constantly.

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12y ago

The moon is considered a satelite and it orbits the Earth.

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There is more than one satellite on earth!

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The only natural one is the moon.

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Q: What satellite that revolves around the earth?
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What is a natural satellite that revolves around earth?

The Moon is Earth's natural satellite.

Why is the moon called the satellite of the earth?

The moon is called a satellite of earth because it revolves around the earth

Why is the moon considered satellite?

The moon is considered a satellite because it revolves around Earth. Satellites are any object that revolves around another in space.

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What is the name of any object that revolves around earth?

A satellite

The moon revolves around the earth and it is called a natural what?

The Moon is a natural satellite of the Earth.

What object in the sky is a satellite of the planet Earth?

The moon, of course, because it revolves around the Earth.

What satellite revolves around the earth?

Earth, like all the other 7 planets, revolves around the sun. Hence, earth is said to be a part of the "Solar" system.

Why can moons and planets both be considered satellites?

Because the Moon revolves around the Earth so that Moon is considered as a satellite. Also, a planet, like Earth, revolves around the Sun. So that's a sort of satellite too.

The moon orbiting earth is an example of a what satellite?

A moon is a natural satellite, as opposed to an artificial satellite, which is a man-made object in orbit.

What is the name of the satellite which revolves around the Earth?

The oldest is the moon, also called Luna.

What object revolves around a planet while the planets revolve around the sun?

A satellite revolves around a planet while it is revolving around around the sun (star). For example, moon (earth's natural satellite) revolves around earth while earth is revolving around the sun.