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salt bed

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Coby Schumm

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2y ago
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Q: What sb method uses evaporation method to get salt from sea water?
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What method uses evaporation to get salt from sea water?

The water part of salt-water will be evaporated in the sun just like normal water. What will remain is the salt.

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What does it mean to have evaporative cooling?

A device that uses evaporative cooling cools air through the evaporation of water. The evaporation of water enables a very quick transfer of heat, enabling many applications.

When water changes into water vapor it is called what?

When water turns into water vapor it goes through a phase change. The water uses all the energy gained not to increase heat, but turn into a gas. The name for this phase change is evaporation, or vaporization.

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How do water treatment plants purify water?

It uses the method of huffing down weed.

What cycle uses these letters e c p?

Water cycle uses these words. E C P stands for Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation.

What is salt water for?

Saline water is used for mining as well as other industrial purposes. The thermo-electric industry however uses most of the salt water.

Can you use salt and chlorine in your pool?

Yes as a mater of fact that is what salt water pool normally is. With a salt water pool there is a electronic salt water chlorinator installed that uses the salt in the water to create chlorine. However if you don't have a salt water chlorinator and prefer the feeling of a salt water pool then there is no reason not to add salt to the pool as well as keeping up the chlorine yourself.