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That would be called an A minor "Gypsy Scale" (although the term "Gypsy Scale" is often applied to several different scales found in Gypsy music). It is a synthetic mode created by raising the fourth degree of the natural minor scale. It is quite likely that the seventh degree will be raised at times, also, which turns it into a minor mode of the double harmonic major scale.

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Q: What scale has just a d sharp in it?
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D major scale?

The D Major scale has two sharps, F and C. The notes in this scale are D, E F sharp, G, A, B, C sharp, D.

What are the d chormaric scale notes?

d d sharp e f f sharp g g sharp a a sharp b c c sharp d

What are the notes in F sharp minor scale?

The F-sharp natural minor scale consists of these notes:F-sharp, G-sharp, A,G,C-sharp,D, and EThe F-sharp harmonic minor scale consists of these notes:F-sharp, G-sharp, A, B, C-sharp, D and E-sharp.The F-sharp melodic minor scale consists of these notes:[going up] F-sharp, G-sharp, A, B, C-sharp, D-sharp and E-sharp.[going down] F-sharp, E, D, C-sharp, B, A and G-sharp.

Does A flat major have a C sharp and D natural in its scale?

it has a C sharp but no D natural

Why in a D major scale do you skip from E to F sharp?

E to F-sharp is one whole step. F-sharp is a major 3rd above D, so it's part of the D major scale.

What are the notes in the d minor melodic scale?

UP: d sharp e sharp f sharp g sharp a sharp b sharp c double-sharp d sharp DOWN: d sharp c sharp b natural a sharp g sharp f sharp e sharp d sharp

What are the notes for the d scale on the bass clarinet?

D major is: D, E, F sharp, G, A, B, C sharp, D. D minor is: D, E, F, G, A, A sharp, C sharp, D.

What sharps or flats does the E major scale have?

F sharp C sharp G sharp D sharp

How To Write E Minor Scale?

An E natural minor scale is written with a one-sharp key signature, so you just write out the scale in semibreves and add an additional D sharp for the harmonic minor, and two additional sharps to the sixth and seventh degrees when ascending in the melodic minor (C sharp and D sharp). You lower the sharps and revert back to the natural minor when you descend through the scale.

What is the piano scale with 4 sharps called?

D sharp scale. The notes are:- D# F G G# A# C D D#

What are the notes of an a major scale?

A, B, C sharp, D, E, F sharp, G sharp, A

What is dominant of g sharp?

The dominant is the 5th of the scale, so in G-sharp it's D-sharp.