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It's called a whole-tone scale. An example is C D E F# G# A# C.

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Q: What scale is made up of six notes that are whole step apart?
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A scale made of six different notes each a whole step away from the next is called?

You have described a Whole Tone Scale.

What determines what notes make up a specific major scale?

The major scale is made of whole and half steps. WWHWWWH

What is the whole tone musical scale?

It is a scale made up exclusively of whole steps, as distinct from the standard western diatonic scale that is built upon the structure whole-whole-half-whole-whole-whole-half. For example, starting at E flat, the notes of a whole tone scale would be E flat, F, G, A, B, D flat.

Chromaticism refers to?

using notes of the chromatic scale-apex

How many notes made up the pentatonic scale?

A pentatonic scale is a musical scale with five notes per octave.

What scale is made up of entirely half notes?

The chromatic scale

What is a scale made up of 5 notes?

A pentatonic scale is made up of 5 notes, and can be hemitonic (containing half steps) or anhemitonic (not containing half steps).

How many notes is the pentatonic scale used in ancient Chinese compositions made up of?

A pentatonic scale has five notes per octave.

What are the notes for a major scale?

A major scale is made up of whole steps and half steps. Whole-whole-half-whole-whole-whole-half. For example C Major would be C-D-E-F-G-A-B-C. D Major would be D-E-Fsharp-G-A-B-Csharp-D.

The pentatonic scale used in ancient Chinese compositions is made up of notes.?


How do you write a G major scale?

The "G" in a G major scale is the starting pitch (also: root, tonic). "Major" tells you the steps you take when playing the scale up to the next G. The distance jumped between notes give a scale its character. A major scale sounds like the do-re-mi scale. Other scales, like minor scales, can sound sad.The "major" refers to the root chord you play. If it's major (G,B,D), the distance between the G and the B (major third) sounds bright. If it's minor (G, Bb, D), the third is flattened, so it tends to sound sadder.A major scale is made up of a chunk of 3 whole step notes (G, A, B) followed by another chunk of 4 whole step notes (C, D, E, F#). These two chunks are a half step apart. (B-C).Whole steps are steps with a key wedged between them. For example, G->A is a whole step because there is one black key between them. A half step has no key between notes. B->C is an example. So is F#->G.

Who invented the chromatic scale?

Austrian composer Arnold Schoenberg invented the chromatic scale. He made this invention in the year of 1921 and ensured all twelve notes were on the scale.