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There are three scales used to assess tornado intensity. The oldest and most well-known is the Fujita scale or F scale. This scale uses the severity of damage cause by a tornado to estimate wind speed and sort it into one of six categories ranging from F0 tor the weakest tornadoes to F5 for the strongest. A few countries, including the United States, now use the Enhanced Fujita or EF scale. It is similar to the Fujita scale, but uses more specific damage standards. It ranges from EF0 to EF5 with ratings essentially equivalent to their F-scale counterparts.

A few countries in Europe use the TORRO scale or T scale. This scale has 12 intensity levels ranging from T0 to T11. Every two levels on this scale is equivalent to one level on the Fujita scale for example a T0 or T1 is equivalent to an F0.

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Q: What scales are used to measure tornado intensity?
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In most cases the intensity of a tornado is never actually measured. Tornadoes are rated based on the severity of the damage they cause. Mobile Doppler radar can measure wind speeds in a tornado, but since such radar cannot measure ground-level winds the measurements are not used in ratings.

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A device called a portable Doppler radar is commonly used to measure the intensity of a tornado. It measures wind speeds and direction within a tornado by emitting pulses of microwave radiation that reflect off particles in the air. The data collected by the radar helps meteorologists determine the strength of the tornado on the Enhanced Fujita (EF) scale.

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