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Q: What school burned down?
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Cleveland Hill Elementary School in Cheektowaga

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the rumor was he burned it down

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Joseph Parwilker

What would happen if a school burned down?

Very, very small

What year high falls school burned down?

It was in the 50's not sure exactly when I will ask my mom next time I see her. Story was two kids (who's names I will leave out) was playing with fire and burned it down.

Why did all the Lakehurst kids come to Degrassi?

Because Lakehurst School Got Burned Down And They Had To Stay At Degrassi Until There School Got repaired

Independence hall was burned down by who?

It wasn't burned down by anybody, it never burned down. The building did catch fire in 1824, but was quickly extinguished.

Is there any pictures of the school?

there probably are some but not so many cause they got burned or melted down if they were drawn on gold.

Who burned down susan's father's cabin in seinfield?

Kramer accidentally burned down the cabin.

Who burned down Omars house?

khyrie rhodes did but omar burned down his kiwi house