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Q: What scientist described gravity and the 3 laws of motion?
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Who was the first person to write about gravity?

The scientist who wrote about gravity and the laws of motion was Sir Isaac Newton.

Who was the scientist who showed that gravity accounts for keplers laws of planetary motion?

Isaac Newton

What was laws of motion and gravity developed by?

The laws of motion and gravity were developed by a better understanding of the underlying physics.

What is name force that keep earth certain distance from sun?

Gravity - combined with the Earth's inertia (its mass, and Newton's laws of motion).Gravity - combined with the Earth's inertia (its mass, and Newton's laws of motion).Gravity - combined with the Earth's inertia (its mass, and Newton's laws of motion).Gravity - combined with the Earth's inertia (its mass, and Newton's laws of motion).

Which of Newtons laws is not a law of motion?


What are two scientific laws that have changed?

How about Newton's laws of motion and gravity.

What is the name of the scientist that formulated the the three laws of motion?

Sir Issac Newton created the Three Laws of Motion.

How many laws of motion did Isaac Newton describe?

Isaac Newton described three laws of motion.

Why is Newton laws of motion important to humans?

newtons laws of motion are important to humans because without them we wouldn't know what motion or gravity is.

Which scientist discoered the laws of gravity and inertia?

Isaac Newton

Who cameup with the laws of motion and gravity?

Sir Isaac Newton did.

What did Isaac do to improve the laws of motion?

He didn't improve them, he described them.