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Robert Hooke.

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Q: What scientist is responsible for discovering the microscope?
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Who was the scientist responsible for discovering the nucleus of the atom?

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Who is scientist that is responsible for the invention of the microscope?

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How far should scientist be responsible for the uses made for the discoveries?

A scientist cannot be made responsible for his discoveries anymore than an explorer can be made responsible for his discoveries. In both cases the thing discovered was always there, it just needed someone to find it. Also if that scientist or explorer chose to withhold his/her discovery for fear of what might come of it, there is nothing to keep another person from discovering it too.

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the scientist Schielden is known for discovering the plant cell

What does the light microscope allow the scientist to view?

The light microscope allow the scientist to view the bloods in our body.

Which scientist is given for discovering chromosomes?

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Which scientist is credited with discovering radium?

Marie Curie

Who is responsible for discovering the structure of DNA?

The lungs is response for discovering the structure of D N A

Who was the scientist who founded microscope?

give 5 scientists who used microscope

A scientist wants to know whether a particular cell is round or rectangular. How should the scientist observe the overall shape of the cell?

The scientist should use a light microscope.

Which scientist is responsible for seeing cells for the first time?

Robert Hooke was the first person to discover the cell when he was observing a slice of cork (plant) under the microscope.

Who is the scientist known for discovering the force of gravity?

Isaac Newton