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Isaac Newton contributed the most.

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Isaac newton and Albert Einstein are the two most significant scientists who have contributed to our understanding of gravity and the movement of objects. Newton's work on universal gravitation and his laws of motion laid the foundation for classical mechanics, while Einstein's theory of general relativity provided a more comprehensive explanation of gravity as a curvature of spacetime. Both of their contributions have greatly influenced our understanding of the physical world.

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Q: What scientists contributed the most to your understanding of the force of gravity and the movement of objects?
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Is gravity a type of mass movement?

No, gravity is a force that pulls objects towards each other. Mass movement refers to the downhill movement of rock, soil, and debris under the force of gravity. Gravity is the force that causes mass movement to occur.

What is the force that gives a thrown ball its vertical movement?

Gravity is the force that gives a thrown ball its vertical movement. As the ball is thrown upwards, gravity acts on it, pulling it back down towards the ground. The vertical movement of the ball is a result of the interaction between the force of the throw and the force of gravity.

Why is the center of gravity so important?

The center of gravity is important because it represents the balance point of an object or a system. Understanding the center of gravity helps in determining stability, handling, and performance characteristics. It is crucial for designing stable structures or vehicles and maintaining control during movement.

Why earlier scintists could not guess about the gravitational force?

Earlier scientists could not guess about the gravitational force because they lacked the technology and tools to accurately measure and observe the effects of gravity. Additionally, the concept of gravitational force required a shift in understanding from the commonly accepted belief that the Earth was the center of the universe. It was not until Isaac Newton's work on gravity in the late 17th century that a formal explanation and understanding of gravitational force was established.

How an anti gravity medium can be prepaired?

Aside from the long-running Anti Gravity column in Scientific American, however, there is no such thing as antigravity. ... Only way out in deep space, beyond the domain of any planets or stars, can you truly escape gravity. As of yet, no technology exists to neutralize the pull of gravity.

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Why would astronauts have to know what gravity is?

It is a common misconception that gravity does not exist in space. The truth is that in space, gravity is the most important force in governing the movement of large objects. You cannot plot a trajectory in space without understanding gravity.

Is there proof of 2012?

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How is Newton's law of gravity related to the movement of the planets?

How is Newton's law of gravity related to the movement of the planets?

What is the governing force in the solar system when it comes to movement?

It is gravity.

Why do engineers designing satellite and space probes need to understand gravity?

For the design of the probe an understanding of gravity is not required. However, to get the probe into space and into a stable orbit round a chosen body an understanding of gravity is required. Thus it is the launch vehicle design where an understanding of gravity is needed.

Is gravity a type of mass movement?

No, gravity is a force that pulls objects towards each other. Mass movement refers to the downhill movement of rock, soil, and debris under the force of gravity. Gravity is the force that causes mass movement to occur.

In which Country was the Concept of Gravity invented?

The concept of gravity was not invented in a specific country. It was developed over time by various scientists and philosophers, with contributions from individuals like Isaac Newton and Galileo Galilei. These pioneers observed and theorized about the force that attracts objects toward each other, leading to our current understanding of gravity.

What cause's a mass movement?

A mass movement is caused by Gravity.

Why would gravity be a useful topic to include in an explanation of a watershed?

Gravity is key in understanding how water flows in a watershed. It determines the direction and speed of water movement, influencing erosion, sediment transport, and flooding patterns. By considering gravity, we can make informed decisions about land use and water management in a watershed.

What is a example of using the word gravity in a sentence?

The gravity of the situation was beyond my understanding. We're held to the earth by gravity.

What force do scientists thinck was responsible for clumping matter together to form the first stars after the big bang?

Scientists believe that gravity was responsible for clumping matter together to form the first stars after the Big Bang. Gravity caused the dense regions of matter to attract more matter, which eventually led to the formation of the first stars.

What forces causes movement?
