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Q: What scientists work contributed directly to increased life expectancy in the late 1800's?
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Which scientist contributed directly to increased life expectancy in the late 1800s?

Joseph Lister

Increased agricultural production in England in the late 1700s contributed directly to?

an increase in life expectancy

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Directly: physicists Indirectly: scientists

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One significant factor that contributed to the enormous industrial boom of the 1900s was government policies that supported business. Another factor was an increasing urban population.

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The railroad was the advancement in technology that directly contributed to the cattle boom. Out in the west they created large cattle kingdoms.

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stimulants are drugs that act directly on the brain causing increased activity.

What did agricultural production in England in the late 1700s directly contribute to?

An increase in life expectancy

Which advancement of technology directly contributed to the cattle boom?

refrigerated railcar

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Most scientists believe that birds evolved directly from bipedal, terrestrial dinosaurs.

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Who contributed most directly to the widespread use of steel in cities?

Henry Bessemer