

What season do spider monkeys have their baby?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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According to the Central Florida Zoo in Sanford, Florida, "Spider monkeys give birth at any time of the year"

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Q: What season do spider monkeys have their baby?
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Related questions

What are the monkeys babies called?

Baby spider monkeys are called infants or just baby spider monkeys.

Who take care of spider monkeys babies?

The mother of a baby spider monkey takes care of it.

How long does it take for baby spider monkeys to be born?

4 hours

How does a spider monkey feed baby's?

Being mammals, spider monkeys will suckle their babies with milk produced by the mothers.

Do the male spider monkeys eat the baby spider monkeys?

Spider monkeys are primates, not spiders, and definitely not cannibals. They are herbivorous, but with some species also eating insects. A female spider monkey normally has only one baby, or a maximum of two, about every 2 to 4 years. Adult male monkeys do not contribute much in the way of child care, but neither do they seek to harm the younger ones in their community.

What do spidermonkeys eat?

Spider monkeys eat food Spider monkeys eat food

What is the spider that eats monkeys?

A monkey spider. Ironically, it eats spider monkeys.

How long does the baby spider monkey stay inside the mother?

Spider monkeys are pregnant for about 7 months (226 to 232 days).

What do spider monkeys lack?

Spider monkeys lack hearing

What baby spider monkeys do?

Rise on their mothers back when traveling and play while their parents rest.....

Where do spider monkeys sleep?

Spider monkeys sleep on lower branches

What preys on the spider monkeys?

Harpy Eagles prey on Spider Monkeys.