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Q: What section of instruments does a harmonica belong?
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What family does the harmonica belong to?

The harmonica is regarded as a wind instrument and free reed instrument. Free reed instruments produce sound as air flows past a vibrating reed, and other examples include pitch pipes and accordions.

What instruments are used in early blues music?

* Harmonica * drum s * shakes and tambourines * scrapers * string instruments

Into which section of an orchestra does a cymbal belong?

Cymbals belong to the percussion section of an orchestra. Cymbals have, relative to other instruments in an orchestra, an unique timbre which allows them to be heard through the most loudest orchestrations.

What musical group does the harmonica belong to?

the harmonica would either be in the blues group or the country music group

What were the original musical instruments used in the blues?

The original instruments used in blues were the guitar and the harmonica

What family do the cymbals belong to?

Chimes are percussion instruments.

What instruments are easy for an 8 year old to play?

the harmonica

What combination of instruments was used in early blues music?

Early Blues musicians used a combination of harmonica and guitar.

What do you call the musical instruments blown by the players?

Instruments that are blown into are either woodwind instruments, double reed instruments, or brass instruments, with the single exception of a harmonica, which is in a class all its own.