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Q: What seeds of democracy had been sown by the French Revolution?
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How did the storming of the Bastille effect the French Revolution?

The French revolution sent shock waves through the European monarchy. It left them all wondering who would be the next to be depose in a revolution. Many people around the world were affected by the french revolution not just England. It changed the way that people thought about being run by a monarchy or a royal family. People started to realise that this was not the way that many countries should have been run and wanted a change. The main reason Australia is a democracy today was because of the french revolution and fight against the monarchy.

What US President started the French Revolution?

As far as I'm aware, The French Revolution was started by the French, not by George Washington, who was and had been the only US President at the time of the French Revolution. Unless the Americans have built a time machine.

What was the English and French relations before the French Revolution?

They had been bitter rivals during the Seven Years Wars and on opposite sides in the American Revolution.

Did the Zouaves fight in the French Revolution?

No they did not. The French Zouaves were first created as a unit in Algeria in 1831. Since the French Revolution ended with Napoleon's coup in 1899 such an engagement could not have been fought.

How did king Louis start the french revolution?

He may have been responsible for it, but he did not start it.

What would have happened to the leaders of the French Revolution of 1789 had they not been successful?

they woudl have been beheaded on the guilloteen

Why did England not support french revolution?

England and France had been at war with each other for centuries, and France had helped the Americans fight their American Revolution against the English. Therefore, England did not support anything French. Also, no other countries what soever supported the French Revolution.

What do you think the King of France did that got him killed in the French Revolution?

He was convicted of being opposed to the French Revolution and thus a traitor. He may have been inept and indecisive but that rarely ranks as a Capital offense.

What started the Haiti revolution?

Slavery had been ended during the French Revolution but Napoleon tried to put slavery back into force on the island.

How did French government influence the US's government?

it didnt. the American revolution happened before the french revolution

What was the Republicans outlook on the French Revolution?

It had to be protected against royalist counter revolution.

What was the nature of the fisical crises the triggered the French Revolution?

Debt that had been created by Louis XIV.