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The sense that peppers have on the tongue is bitter

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Q: What sense do peppers have on the tongue bitter sour salty or sweet?
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What are the disticnt taste of your tongue?

Tastebuds are the small little bumps on the tongue that all a person to taste. There are 5 distinct elements that allow the sense of tatse. They are sour, sweet, salty, bitter, and umami.

What are the six taste sensations?

Salty, sweet, sour, bitter, savory, and pain (this sense is attributed to spices). No... there are five primary taste Sweet Sour Bitter Spicy and Salty.

What is found on the posterior surface of the tongue?

You have little organs called Taste Buds on the surface of your tongue. They detect different chemical contents of your food to relay what you are eating. The five chemicals that they can sense are; salty, sour, bitter, sweet, and unami

Four different types of papillae on tongue?

The type of papillae on the tongue is the gustatory kind. That means that they have the sense of taste. This includes salty, sweet, sour, or bitter. This information is combined with the sense of smell to combine in our experience of food.

When we eat food we get its taste but when we close our nose and eat it why don't we get the taste?

This is probably the best question I've heard on this site so far. As you may of heard, your tongue has Four taste receptors, Sweet, Sour, Bitter, and Salty. (Some people consider spicy as a tongue sense as well) but if you eat something like a unsweetend cherry, your tongue really has no receptors for it. Foods that are sweet, sour, bitter, or salty all have a place on the tongue, however foods that do not fit in those categories only taste significant because of the nose. The nose, with the power of smells, generates the taste.

Which receptors are responsible for detecting taste?

Taste is sensed through taste buds on the tongue; these organs respond to crude measures of taste including sweet, salty, sour and bitter. Fine-tuning of the taste is actually accomplished through the olfactory bulbs of the nose, which are responsible for the sense of smell.

What is the taste in your mouth?

The tongue, soft palate, and epiglottis are covered with structures known as taste buds, or lingual papillae, that allow humans to sense different tastes in the foods they eat. There are five distinct tastes that can be registered by the taste buds, but whether each taste bud can sense one or many tastes is not known. The ability to sense each taste is present in all areas of the mouth. The five tastes are salty, sweet, bitter, sour, and umami or "savory" -- each linked to a specific chemical in foods. In general, humans have evolved to find salty, sweet, and umami foods pleasant, while sour and bitter foods are usually unpleasant. This is because sour and bitter tastes may indicate rotten food or poison, while nutritious, high-calorie foods usually taste salty, sweet, or savory.

Why can you only taste bitter taste with your tongue and not with any other organ?

You have sense organs on the tongue that are able to sent that information to your brain. You can't read a book with your tongue but you have to use the organs that do (eyes).

How does the nose and mouth work together?

Well both are, or at least can be, passages for both food and air. Also our sense of smell greatly refines our sense of taste beyond bitter, salty, sweet, and sour.

What are fundamental tastes that the tongue can sense?

Previously, it was deemed that the four fundamental tastes were: - sour - sweet - salty - bitter However, we now know that there is a fifth taste that the receptors on the tongue can identify, which is called "umami". It is responsible for allowing us to taste savory foods, such as meats, fish, etc. (foods high in amino acid or protein content), as well as the substance monosodium glutamate.

Do you need your sense of smell to taste effectivley?

yes you do. One day you should try plugging your nose while eating, you will only taste the sweet, sour, salty, and bitter.

What catagorie of taste buds does spicy go under?

Spicy is not actually a sense of taste. Spicy food is actually picked up by pain fibers on the tongue. There is some dispute over how many senses of taste we have, generally we refer to four (however there is argued to be a fifth) main categories - bitter, salty, sour, and sweet.