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Q: What separates two bodies of water?
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What is anisthmus?

a narrow strip of land that join two larger areas of land and narrowly separates two larger bodies of water

What long wide body of water connects two large bodies of water or separates an island from a larger body of land?


What is an isthumus?

a narror stip of land that joins two land masses and separates two water bodies is called an isthumus

Examples of isthmus?

An Isthmus is a strip of land that separates two bodies of water. Panama is the most obvious example of this.

What long wide body of water connects two lage bodies of water or separates an island from a larger body of land sound spit or isthmus?


What long wide body of water connects two large bodies of water of separates an island from a larger body of land?


What bodies of water separate Tasmania and Australia?

The Bass Strait separates Tasmania from Australia.

What body of water separates Africa from the Arabian?

There are two major bodies, the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden to the south. The two meetat the Bab el Mandeb near Djibouti.

Which bodies of water separate ireland from the United Kingdom?

The Irish Sea separates Ireland and Britain.

Is a strait a landform?

Yes It is a landform. A strait is a narrow strip of water connecting two large bodies of water.