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Q: What sequence events led Pittsburgh to develop a diverse economy?
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What is a diverse economy?

A diverse economy contains a variety of sources of revenue.

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What does diverse economy mean?

A diverse economy is an economy based on more than one thing. So there is a great deal of diversity as far as products , goods and services as well as vendors.

Who were the first people to develop a money economy?

The Lydians were the first people to develop a money economy.

Describe labor specialization?

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What term applies to a country in which the economy is primarily based on diverse industries?

The term that applies to a country in which the economy is primarily based in diverse industries is called a market based economy. This means that people of that country buy diverse things there, such as gifts, or fresh food, and don't depend on one industry.

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What types of economy's is most likely to develop new and better products?

A Market economy is most likely to develop new and better products.

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What are the 5 most valuable countries in Africa?

Here is my list: South Africa. Largest economy.Very diverse and most developed in Africa. Egypt. Very populous. Rich history. 2nd largest economy. A diverse population. Nigeria. Most Populous nation in Africa. Very large economy. Oil rich. Very Diverse. ~Ethopia. Very populous. Rich history. However, very small economy. ~Sudan. One of the fastest growing economies in the world. Diverse. Has oil.

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civil war

What makes it difficult for Bhutan develop its economy?

civil war