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The Zodiac killer that terrorized most of California in the 1960s and 1970s stabbed Cecelia Shepard 24 times, cutting the outline of a bloody cross. Starting in 1966, the Zodiac left a trail of bodies all over California. Nobody is really positive on the body count. Sinse there was never an arrest, hence no confession, there is only speculation as to number of victims.

The bestselling book by Robert Graysmith makes for a compelling case against a Vallejo, CA man named Arthur Leigh Allen. Graysmith thought it more than coincedental that all Zodiac letters and murders stopped and started again depending on if Allen was in the mental institution or prison.

There has been recent DNA testing done on an envelope sent with a Zodiac letter. Allen didn't lick the envelope. Conclusion:Allen had an above average IQ and in fact held more than one degree in science. If I were that smart I would have someone lick the envelope for me.

Interesting fact:While Allen was attending school at Sonoma State University and living in Santa Rosa, CA there were 8 unsolved murders that were consistant with Zodiac's MO.

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