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Jeffrey Dahmer's victims were usually asian or black.

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Q: What serial killer was attracted to men of color?
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We had a female British serial killer has admitted murdering three men and dumping their bodies in ditches.

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I'm not sure if I understand the question but most serial killers are men. More females are victims of serial killers because they are weaker than most men and prostitutes are easier to get as they climb in strangers cars.

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Matt is very attracted to men and he loves it in the butt

What hair color are men most attracted to?

Men like many diffrant hair colors,but i would say blonde and light brown,and brunnete would moslty attract men.

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English men are attracted to anything with a heartbeat.

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i am attracted to latina's im a black men by the way.

Why are gay men attracted to feminine men?

This question is very wrong, I myself am gay and there are many straight very masculine men I am very attracted to. But some gay men like feminine men because that's what they are attracted to, everyone is attracted to different people.

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The best way you can try to make men attracted to you is to be yourself. Most men like and are attracted to a confident woman, one who knows where she is headed in life.

What serial killer was called the Butcher of Hanover?

Fritz Haarmann of Hanover, Germany killed young men and boys, and earned the title of "Butcher of Hanover".