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When the pyramids were built 3000 years ago there was no sewer system for anyone.

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Q: What sewer system was built for the slaves used for building the pyramids?
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No. Camels did not build pyramids, they were built by human slaves

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Slaves didn't build the pyramids, and no.

Who built the pyramids alien's or people?

The history that we have of the pyramids says that they were built by slaves, not aliens.

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The slaves built the Pyramids for the Pharaoh.

Did live slaves go into pyramids?

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How did slaves build the big pyramids?

The pyramids were not built by slaves. They were built by well-paid, skilled Egyptians laborers as part of a massive state construction project.

Did Hebrew slaves built the Egyptian pyramids?

No there is no record outside the Bible for the Hebrews to have been slaves in Egypt. If they were then it was in the New Kingdom about 1,000 years after the Giza pyramids were built.

Who had them built?

Pyramids were built on the orders of the Pharaoh. Thousands of slaves were employed on their construction.

How were Egyptian pyramids built?

By slaves using ropes and ramps.

How were the step pyramids built?

thy were built by the slaves in Egypt they were made with mud and water

Who made the pyramids for the pharaohs?

No Jews the pyramids were built long before Israel

Who is known as the person who had The Great Pyramid built?

the slaves/workers literally built the pyramids, but the great pyramids were built in honor of Pharaohs, and is some of the Pharaoh's resting places.