

What shape do bees make use to make a beehive?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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The cells made by bees in a hive are all hexagons.

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Q: What shape do bees make use to make a beehive?
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What is the square wooden box which beekeepers use to house bees?

The square wooden box which beekeepers use to house bees is known as a super. The super can hold ten frames of comb.

What do bees use pollen for?

Bees gather pollen, packing it into a small pocket on their legs, mixing it with nectar from flowers. This mix, known as bee pollen or bee bread is used to feed workers that stay at the beehive.

Why bees make hexagonel hives?

It's not the hives that are hexagonal, it's the wax cells that the bees construct within the hive and the shape makes for greater strength and efficient use of space.

Do bees make flowers die?

No, bees don't make flowers die .Bees use flowers pulp to make honey.

How do you use bee in a sentence?

The collective noun for bees is a swarm.When the beehive fell from the tree, a swarm attacked the picnic area.

Why do bees make a hexagonal shape?

Bees have been designed with an inbuilt ability to build perfect hexagonal shapes which have been shown to be the most efficient use of space. It also makes the comb very strong.

Why do bees use hexagons to build honeycombs?

because that is their known shape and the queen bee likes that shape ,sincerly bee expert

What do bees do that help people?

The bees make honey that people use for food and other things.

What is the enzyme that bees use to make honey?


Can you put bees in a jar and let them make honey?

If you are hoping for enough honey to collect for yourself you would have to use honey bees. They are a social insect and will only survive as part of a colony. This would mean it would have to be a very large jar because you would need to hold a colony of something like 40,000 to 60,000 bees. They would also need to be able to come and go as they please to forage for pollen and nectar.There would be a problem, however. The bees would build honeycomb in which to store the honey -- how are you going to get it out of the jar without killing the bees?All in all, it would be much better to use a proper beehive.

How should one approach a bee hive?

People who are not professional beekeepers should use caution when in the vicinity of a beehive. Professionals wear protective clothing and use special tools to deal with bees. Without these items, someone near a beehive should take care not to disturb or bother the hive. Honeybees will only sting if provoked, so if left alone they will usually not bother anyone.

What is the different betten beehive and wasphive?

Bees make wax. They settle in natural cavities such as a hole in a tree and they use wax in their hive to keep the honey. They also use propolis from trees to fill in unwanted holes (propolis= in front of the city from ancient Greek) Wasps do not produce wax so they use cellulose and fiber that they chew out of trees to build their hives.