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When looking at storm relative velocity, the signature of a tornado, or at least the mesocyclone that produces it will show up as a bright green area next to a bright red area in a relatively small part of the image. This means that strong winds blowing toward the radar are right next to strong winds blowing away from it, indicating a strong rotation.

On a reflectivity image there will often be a hook shape on the radar image, showing where the mesocyclone is pulling the rain around.

See the link below for an example.

Note that these are not what images of the tornado itself looks like, but rather the mesocyclone that produces the tornado. Also note that not all tornadoes have such features on radar, and not all such features correspond to tornadoes.

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Q: What shape do tornado producing storms take on the radar screen?
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Yes. Tornado watches are issued based partly on computerized weather models and tornadic storms are tracked using Doppler radar.

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A a radar is better: it can detect a tornado at a distance. A barometer would be of no use unless the tornado came dangerously close.

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If a tornado is spotted or is detected by radar, then a tornado warning will be issued.

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Usually Doppler radar is used.

What radar can predict when a tornado might touch down?

Doppler radar can be used to make such predictions.

How are storms detected on Doppler radars?

If you could build a form of RADAR that is able to bounce signals off the raindrops inside a storm cloud then you could detect storms by RADAR

Is Doppler radar used for finding hurricanes?

Yes, Doppler Radar can be used to find all storms!

A tornado warning means that a tornado has been spotted on ground or on radar?

Much of the time, yes. However if radar detects strong enough rotation in a storm, indicating a tornado is likely to form soon, that may also prompt a tornado warning.