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sqaure base pyramid

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Q: What shapes have at least one right angle face in 3d?
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What shape is it when it has no line if symmetry and a right angle?

Most shapes have no line of symmetry and no right angle. Look at your hand, feet, face or body (the last two are only nearly symmetrical), the keyboard, the monitor.

Do 2d shapes have faces?

yes at least 1 face

What do you mean by face left and face right observations?

Face left observation(In theodolite survey):If the face of the vertical circle is to the left of the observer, the observation of the angle is known as Face left observationFace Right observation(In theodolite survey):If the face of the vertical circle is to te right of the observer, the observation of the angle is known as Face right observation

What do you mean by face left and face right observation?

Face left observation(In theodolite survey):If the face of the vertical circle is to the left of the observer, the observation of the angle is known as Face left observationFace Right observation(In theodolite survey):If the face of the vertical circle is to te right of the observer, the observation of the angle is known as Face right observation

Definition of face left and face right observation?

Face left observation(In theodolite survey):If the face of the vertical circle is to the left of the observer, the observation of the angle is known as Face left observationFace Right observation(In theodolite survey):If the face of the vertical circle is to te right of the observer, the observation of the angle is known as Face right observation

How many shapes can you make with 5 cubes at least one face touching?

With no repetition of shapes (symmetry) we have obtained 26 different combinations.

Does a right angle triangle have a face?

No. Polygons cannot have faces.

Does a cubiod have a right angle face?

A cuboid has rectangular faces.

What 3d shapes that have at least 1 square face?

Square based pyramid, Cube and Cuboid

What is the angle between 5 and 8 on a clock face?

There are two angles between 5 and 8 on a clock face. The smaller (right) angle is 90 degrees. The larger (reflex) angle is 270 degrees.

What is an irregular object?

It means that the shape of the object doesn't fit into a small list of predefined shapes (for which simple formulae for volume and surface area are known). Such a list may typically include shapes like spheres, rectangular boxes, cylinders, pyramids, cones, certain sections (cutouts) of the previous ones, etc.

How many angles are larger than a right angle on a cube?

None of the angles between edges are greater than 90o - they are all 90o as each face is a square with a right angle at each corner, and each face is at right angles to the faces to which it is joined.