

What should I know before buying a power wheelchair?

Updated: 9/10/2019
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13y ago

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Before buying a power wheelchair you will want to know a few things. You should know the weight of the person that will be using the wheelchair, along with that kind of terrain the wheelchair will mostly be used on.

The height and seat width measurements are important factors to consider when selecting a power wheelchair. Seating is also important. Consider how long the user will stay in the chair per day. Will reclining be a required feature? Would the user benefit from a power seat lift option? Is a headrest needed? What turn radius will work in their environment? The weight of the person will determine the recommended power/ per pound. What are your means for transporting the wheelchair? These are some of the things to consider besides cost.

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Power Wheelchair?

Some people are in need of a power wheelchair in order to live exciting, independent lives. As opposed to manual wheelchairs, power wheelchairs allow people who are unable to propel themselves from place to place with the ultimate freedom, and they allow handicapped persons to traverse much longer distances than they would have ever thought to be possible. However, with all of the different types of power wheelchairs that are currently being sold, it can be difficult to determine what type of wheelchair is best suited for one's personal needs. By keeping the following tips in mind, one will be able to find the perfect power wheelchair within his or her budget.Tip One: Determine the Appropriate PowerMost power wheelchairs are propelled by a four to five amp battery. Generally, the higher power the battery possesses, the more expensive the wheelchair will be to purchase and to maintain. Therefore, one should avoid purchasing excessively powerful wheelchairs in order to save some money. Some cases where a high power wheelchair would be appropriate would be for people whose occupations require swift movement from place to place, or for people who will have to use their wheelchairs over surfaces such as thick carpet or grass that create a considerable amount of friction against the movement of the wheels.Tip Two: Analyze Different ControllersThe control panel of a power wheelchair is one of the mechanism's most important features. This control panel is responsible for the movement of the entire wheelchair, and it is vital that one purchases a power wheelchair with sturdy controls in order to prolong the life of the machine as a whole. One should research reviews regarding the control panels on different power wheelchairs in order to locate a very reliable device. Additionally, one should ensure that the control panel is comfortable and suited for his or her individual purposes. Most power wheelchairs are controlled with a joystick; however, other wheelchairs might be driven with various switches or buttons, and one should choose the design that he or she likes the most.Tip Three: Choose a Comfortable SeatThere would be nothing worse than having to endure a power wheelchair that is uncomfortable and ill-suited to one's body. Before making any purchases, one should test out each wheelchair that he or she is considering, ensuring that the seat is relaxing and that it allows for complete freedom of movement.

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Lifting power versus lifting distance is a primary concern. Also consider the wipe off factor. Then magnet size.

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There are a number of considerations you should think about before purchasing a power recliner. First, how large is it and will it fit within the existing layout of whatever room you are putting it in. Two, how does it operate? Do you plug it into the wall or are batteries required? Lastly, is their a warranty in the event something goes wrong?

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There is a manual that come with each power wheelchair. There are also professionals that provide advance training on the use of power wheelchairs.

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Follow the instructions that came with it! They almost universally tell you to fully charge it before using it. Draining it will likely damage it, shortening its life.