

What should I know before switching to contact lense?

Updated: 9/10/2019
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14y ago

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You should know exactly what it takes to care for them and the higher risk of eye infections if not cared for properly.

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Q: What should I know before switching to contact lense?
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How long are most contact lense good for before they need to be replaced?

Depends on the people who make them. Some go bad after a short time. Others are much longer. Also you spelled the word "lense" wrong. It should be "lens"

How does one clean Acuvue contact lenss?

Acuvue contact lenses need cleaning before put back in your eye because you may feel an extreme pain if you don't clean them. Place the contact lense on the tip of your finger, put a few drops of solution in the contact and with your clean finger make back and forth motions to clean anything that is on the lense off.

What happens when your contact lens splits?

If your contact lense has split, it is of no more use. Contact your optician to order a new set.

Can you be 11 to have contact lense?

ofcoarse. you can be any age, depending on what your parent/optimologist decides

Take out contact lenss?

When taking out my contact lenses, I look off to the side, focusing on an object. Then I pinch the lenses and pull it out. Sometimes sliding it to the corner of your eye(so that it bunches up) makes taking it out easier. I hope this helps! Another Answer: all i do is pinch where the contact lense is and it will come out on your fingers and it is easy how to put them in: Always do the left eye first, it is way easier! all you have to do is put the contact lense on either your middle or first finger ,with the other hand, open the eye as wide as possible lifting up the top and bottom lid, then place the lense on the pupil and move it around a little and you she hear and fell a bit of popping but that means that the lense is actually in the eye. eye should water though that's normal

What should I look for in a contact lens?

While every eye is different, finding contact lenses might seem like a burden. Trial and error is the best way to find the right lenses for you. Make sure they aren't dry and flimsy. The contact lense should fit squarely onto you eye and not tear easily.

is a 4,0 contact lense stonger than a 2,5?

4.0 most likely is stronger than 2.5

Which hard contact lenses can be worn for extended periods of time?

AcuVue makes a great hard contact lense and so does Focus Dailies Contacts.

Is there anywhere you can get really cheap yet safe color-changing contact lenss?

come to Taiwan, our contact lense is safe and must be cheaper than yours

Are long-wear contact lenses more problematic in terms of eye health?

Generally speaking the longer you the leave the contact lense in the worse it is for your eye health.

Why can't you re-use a contact after it dries out?

Because drying a contact lense will cause cracks on it's surface which don't get magically repaired when it's rehydrated.

What lens should be use for interiors photography?

a wide angle lense