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Q: What should a sailing vessel operator do when overtaking a power-driven vessel?
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What should a sailing vessel do when overtaking a power driven vessel?

Keep clear... The power driven vessel should, if possible, maintain course and speed. The only rule for overtaking is that you keep your distance while overtaking

What sould a sailing vessel operator do when approaching a pwc head on?

A sailing vessel operator when approaching a pwc head on should slow down and change course.

What should a motor boat operator do when approaching a sailing vessel head on?

When approaching a sailing vessel head on, it is up to the motorboat to yield. The motorboat operator should swing wide as early as possible to stay well clear of the sailing vessel.

What should a sailing vessel operator do when approaching a PWC head on?

A sailing vessel operator should sound a blast on the horn when approaching a PWC head on. However, it is up to the operator of the motorized craft, in this case the PWC, to take evasive action.

What should you do when and your vessel is being overtaken by a sailing vessel?

This is a case where the sailing vessel does not have the right of way. The overtaking vessel must stay clear of the vessel being overtaken. The best thing you could do would me to keep a steady course, or make any changes obvious so the overtaking sailboat knows what you are doing.

In which of these situations should you avoid overtaking?

where should you avoid overtaking

What should a sail boat do when overtaking a power boat?

Rules of the Road International/Inland Steering and Sailing rules Rule 13-Overtaking "ANY vessel overtaking any OTHER shall keep out of the way of the vessel being overtaken." In addition, the proper whistle signals need to be proposed and agreed to.

When a personal water craft is overtaking another vessel which vessel must give way?

The overtaking craft should give way, as the overtaking craft should be the one with the most control, as it is initiating the move.

What should a motorboat operator do when approaching a sailing vessel head-on?

Do everything possible to avoid it. The motorboat operator would give way if boat is under sail but go by regular motorboat rules if he is under power.

What should you do when overtaking a vehicle?

You should only overtake if it is safe to do so.

What should drivers do before overtaking?

stop the car.

Where should you avoid overtaking?

You should avoid overtaking on a double yellow line, hill, curve or any weather condition where you can't safely see if you can overtake the vehicle in front of you.