

What should a successful aid project be like?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What should a successful aid project be like?
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What are the effectiveness of foreign aid?

If used correctly, foreign aid can be very beneficial. It is important for aid to go toward sustainable development. It is also important for aid to be transparent. If countries know where other countries are spending their aid, the money will be divided equally among places and programs. If aid is going to the right projects it has the power to do a lot. A good example of this is the Millennium Villages Project. This Project has been very successful with development in villages in Africa.

First Aid Project in Hindi?

See the attached related link for First Aid Hindi translation.

What can we write as introduction to the project of pocket guide on first aid to disasters?

A good introduction for this kind of project would be an overview about disasters like what is it and when does it occur or what type of disasters are there and also statistics of such events. You usually start with something general and building it all the way to being specific. It should be Deductive in nature.

What is the difference between large-scale aid project and appropriate technology?

The difference between a large-scale aid project and appropriate technology is that a large-scale aid is when a country receives a lot of aid, so it's basically given to the people, but an appropriate technology is developed by the people themselves without any aid.

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Heifer Project International is certainly an admirable project. However, there have been a number of problems arising from the donation of livestock instead of cash. For that reason, organizations like Givewell do not consider it a viable way to donate aid.

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the first hearing aid was made in the 19 centries and yeah i know did a project on it

How do you prepare the best first aid project for cbse class x?

to prepare a good first aid:::: open Google n search for first aid tips on fractures , heat n cold stroke , poisoning , toothache , sprains , cuts n burns etc...... now search for some pics ........ also list down things that should be kept in the 1st aid kit.... with the above info prepare a project with some creative idea.....

What should you do if you like a girl and she asked you who is your girlfriend you s aid you?

you should consider getting home schooled

What is a project grant?

one type of federal grants-in-aid; made for specific projects like the building of the H Bomb, to states, localities, and townships

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A project grant is a grant-in-aid that has to be applied for. The federal government provides several different types of grants.

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