

What should be your short term goal and long term goal?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What should be your short term goal and long term goal?
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What is your long and short term goal?

long term goal finish school, short term find a job

What is the difference between a short- and long- term goal?

A long-term goal is reached further in the future.

What the difference between a long-term goal and a short-term goal?

A long-term goal is reached further in the future.

What is the difference between a long-term goal and a short-term goal?

A long-term goal is reached further in the future.

Why is it important to have short term goal as well as long term goals?

Short-term goals help you reach your long-term goal on step at a time.

What makes a short term goal easier to achieve than long term goal?

a short term goal doesn't take as long to achieve

What makes short -term goal easier to achieve than a long-term goals?

a short term goal doesn't take as long to achieve

Is you will become a doctor an example of a short-term goal?

Usually it is not a short term goal. It is usually an example of a long term goal. If someone is close to getting their medical degree, it would then be an example of a short term goal.

Want to create your long term and short term goal?

to became an professional engineer is my long term goal

What is the difference between a short- and long-term goal?

the long term is different between a short term because the short

What is the long term and short term?

the difference is that short-term goal is a goal that can be reach in a short period of time, but long term goals are goals that can plan to reach over an extended period of time.

Wellness is a goal that requires a short-term commitment is it true or false?

false, a wellness goal is a goal, (physical, emotional, mental, etc. ) this does not have to be short term, or long term. its as long as you need it.