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Q: What should couples who have been together for 3 years do when long distance relationship comes between them and they have to stay away from each other for almost 6 years?
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Keep quiet about their relationship.

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Why do couples cuddle naked together?

When they do that they might be having sex. It also shows they have a good relationship.

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Its because they cant always stay together, when they think they are in love, and the make love sometime it helps the relationship between friends or couples or it just destroys it.

What is the defrences betwen the friends and couples?

Friends have a platonic relationship while couples have a romantic relationship.

Is working in abroad affects relationship?

Couples usually break up with each other due to long distance. Distance makes them seldom stay with each other and brings distrust & anxiety. so working in abroad will affect relationship to some extent.

Should the relationship be over when your boyfriend says he will never get engaged?

No. Nothing has changed in your relationship except that he doesn't want to get married, lots of couples don't get married and grow old together.

Does every relationship come to an end when you have one in Middle School?

Of course Not ! What are you thinking the seven year itch?Every relationship is different-and there are couples that are still together and are growing old together. May Yours be One that survives the test of Time.

Is 2 years too big of an age gap for couples?

no...not at all there are many couples still together which have a bigger age gap between them for example, my dad is 42 but my mum is 38 <--- 4 years gap of age between them!! but they are living happillly together! :D

which relationships last the longest?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of which relationships last the longest. However, there are some factors that can contribute to a long and lasting relationship. Communication: Communication is essential for any healthy relationship. Couples who communicate effectively are better able to resolve conflict, manage stress, and build trust. Trust: Trust is another essential ingredient for a long-lasting relationship. Couples who trust each other feel secure and supported, and they are more likely to be willing to work through challenges. Respect: Respect is also important for a healthy relationship. Couples who respect each other's opinions, feelings, and boundaries are more likely to be happy together. Shared values: Couples who share similar values are more likely to have a strong foundation for their relationship. When couples share the same goals and priorities, they are more likely to be on the same page and to support each other's dreams. Acceptance: Couples who accept each other for who they are, flaws and all, are more likely to have a long and happy relationship. When couples are able to accept each other's differences, they are less likely to get bogged down in petty arguments. Appreciation: Couples who appreciate each other's contributions to the relationship are more likely to feel loved and valued. When couples take the time to express their appreciation for each other, it helps to strengthen the bond between them. Forgiveness: No relationship is perfect. Couples will inevitably make mistakes and hurt each other's feelings. However, couples who are able to forgive each other are more likely to move past problems and stay together. Flexibility: Things change over time, and so should relationships. Couples who are able to adapt to change and grow together are more likely to have a long and lasting relationship. These are just some of the factors that can contribute to a long and lasting relationship. Ultimately, the most important thing is that both partners are committed to making the relationship work. When couples are willing to put in the effort, they can overcome any challenges and build a relationship that lasts a lifetime. In addition to the factors listed above, there are a few other things that can help relationships last the longest. These include: Having a strong support system: Couples who have a strong support system of friends and family are more likely to weather the storms of life and stay together. Making time for each other: It is important for couples to make time for each other, even when they are busy. This could mean going on dates, spending time together doing activities they enjoy, or simply talking and connecting on a regular basis. Continuing to grow as individuals: It is important for couples to continue to grow as individuals, even after they are together. This could mean pursuing their own interests, learning new things, or taking on new challenges. When couples continue to grow as individuals, they bring new things to the relationship and keep it fresh. If you are looking for a relationship that will last, it is important to remember that there is no guarantee. However, if you are willing to put in the effort and make the relationship a priority, you can increase your chances of success.

What does we live together usually refer to?

People who use the phrase "we live together" to describe their living arrangements are often couples in a committed relationship who have made the decision to live together without seeking a civil union or marriage license.

What are the criteria for judging fro best couples?

how well do they know each other, how do they get along, do they argue alot, are they together for love or other reasons, are they faithful to their relationship.