

What should i know about Apollo?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: What should i know about Apollo?
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Who many kids does Apollo have?

I should know this, im greek; easy question: These three: Asclepius, Troilus, Aristaeus.

Which planet is named for the Roman god Apollo?

There is a Greek and a Roman god named Apollo. There is no planet named after Apollo, unless you know of the Apollo planet that no one knows about yet.

What is Apollo know for?

Apollo is known for being the greek god of music healing and protecting the young.

How did Apollo the god get his name?

he just got the name Apollo, and you think im a brainiac to know the real answer?

How did the Apollo 13 get its name?

All the Apollo missions were numbered chronologically. Apollo 13 was the 13th planned manned mission in the Apollo program. However, in reality based on which missions actually flew it should have been Apollo 7.

What are facts about Apollo 13?

i dont know your mom

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i dont know the answer yeat sorry.......

What Russian space vehicle did Apollo 18 spacecraft dock with?

This was the Apollo - Soyuz test docking mission. It was not officially know as Apollo 18 though many refer to it that way

When did Apollo seek love?

In many myths Apollo finds love, but I do not know of a myth in which he seeks it except in the case of Daphne.

What does Apollo represent?

Apollo more often than not represents the sun. But he is also know for healing, poetry, prophecy, and the plague.

What was the creature that Apollo killed?

The satyr Marsyas wanted to compete with Apollo in music. The winner should decide the prize. Apollo won and decided Marsyas was to be flayed and that was the death of Marsyas.

Who are Apollo's allies?

i don't know ask someone else