

What should people not do about deforestation?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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11y ago

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People should not ignore it, forget about it, or hope that it doesn't matter. We have to keep pressure on governments around the world to stop illegal logging and introduce sustainable forestry.

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Q: What should people not do about deforestation?
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Why should you help stop deforestation?

People like us should help stop deforestation so our kids will have resources. If we let all trees be cut down, our children will be the ones to suffer.

How are people helping to stop deforestation?

well people are recycling and reusing to prevent deforestation.

Who is involved in deforestation?

The people involved in deforestation are people like wood choppers and all sorts of those people

What is the use of deforestation?

Deforestation clears land for farms and dwellings for people.

why has deforestation increased?

deforestation has increased because people cut trees for residential purposes

How can deforestation be stopped?

deforestation can be stopped by us people just stop chopping down trees

How does deforestation change lives?

indigenous people lose their homes. Deforestation changes your life! have you ever used something wooden? then deforestation changes your life :P

An example of literature review for deforestation?

Deforestation is a critical issue that many people are concerned with. You can find reviews on deforestation literature by looking through magazines and online.

What a good conclusion sentence for the word deforestation at the end of an essay?

Deforestation does not have to be a regular occurrence. Hopefully, in the future people can be proactive so deforestation is a last resort.

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What are the Effective measures to control deforestation?

to control deforestation- 1. we should not cut trees rapidly. 2. we should use trees in smaller quantity. 3. whenever we cut a tree , we should plant a new tree to make the nature in balance. 5. the government of a state should ensure that there should be less and less forest fires and the people living near the area should be careful. 6. the media can play an important role, by creating awarness. Deforestation can be controlled by enforcing laws that govern any activities such as logging. It can also be controlled by teaching people the importance of conservation.