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Type A positive should eat foods that are fresh, pure, organic and still in the natural state. Red meat should be taken completely out of the diet and stick with more of a vegetarian diet. Poultry is acceptible along with fish, Turkey is the best of those meat choices. You can eat fruits either in their raw form or they can be steamed and for protein one should eat beans, mostly soy, black beans and lentils. There are a few fruits and veges that should be avoided like tomatos and citrus fruits.

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Q: What should people with A positive blood type eat?
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What food should people with positive type a blood eat?

Go to the drlam website, it has great information on foods to eat with certain blood types. It has a blood type dietary table that tells you what you should and should not eat with your blood type.

Should I be following a specific diet for my positive blood type?

People having an A positive blood type is recommended to follow a vegetarian diet. They should also be cautious to intake very little protein and dairy products.

What food is best of positive blood types?

There is no scientific correlation between blood type and diet. A healthy diet consisting of vegetables, fruit, lean protein and water will benefit you and your blood regardless of type.

What is the blood type of the child of O father and AB positive mother make?

The blood type should be O positive.

If two people with type O Positive blood have type B positive child?


What blood type does a person with Type A get?

I assume you are meaning in a transfusion. The ideal blood should be a perfect match. A positive should get A positive. In an emergency an A positive can receive any blood that has no B genotype. O+/-, A+/-,but NO B or AB.

What is type o positive blood?

O Positive is the most common blood type and it has no molecules on the red blood cell surface which means people with Type O universal blood donors. Positive means that your blood contains what is called a RhD antigen. Type O was the first blood type discovered. It is believed it can make you more likely to get ulcers or have thyroid problems.

What type of blood is hard to find?

The O blood type is rare. Though it is rare, there are is also other positive and negative sides to having this blood type. The positive is that people with this blood type can be donors to people of any other blood type but the fact is they can only receive their own type.

What are blood type A positive?

People who are A blood type have a different set of genetic information than people who are Type O - they are prone to different diseases, they should eat different foods and exercise in a completely different way than a person with type A blood.

Can a A positive blood be given safely to a O positive blood and why?

No because type O blood is the universal donor type meaning they can give anyone blood but they can only receive blood from type O people.

Are there diets that work well with people with blood type o positive?

Yes there are. They have an eat right blood type book that takes you through the steps of what you should and shouldn't eat. I think this should be helpful for you.

Is A positive blood type good to have?

When someone has a blood type that is positive, it means that they are positive for the RH factor. This doesn't mean a whole lot in terms of health, but it can play a factor if you are a female and are planning to have children.