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Q: What should the teacher have in mind when she designs the classroom organization and routinesWhat theories and principle should you have in mind?
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What is the basis of the classroom organization and routine?

Educational theories, educational philosophies, and established suggestions by recognized authorities in the academe are the basis of the classroom organization and routine.

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Some principles of taxation include equity, efficiency, simplicity, and neutrality. Theories of taxation include the benefit principle, ability-to-pay principle, and the theory of tax incidence, which examines how the burden of the tax is distributed among different groups.

What should the teacher have in mind when she designs the classroom organization and routines?

They should have in mind the size of the classroom and the amount of things they want to put in the classroom as there must be enough room to safely store everything so that children are at a lower risk of hurtimg themselves. They should also consider how cluttered the classroom is as some studies have shown that children cannot work properly in a cluttered room. The routines should be simple and easy to follow, incase the class ever has a cover teacher; they should also leave suitable amounts of time for each activity.

What is the definition of organization in science?

An organization in science is one which does research and discovers new things/theories of knowledge

How many theories were introduced in the big bang theory?

While there are many theories introduced to explain the cosmology of the universe, the consideration of newly introduce theories related to the Big Bang Theory is a very subjective. Perhaps this has something to do with what has been taught in a classroom setting.

Is the principle of equality a consequentialist or a non- consequentialist principle?

The principle of equality is typically associated with non-consequentialist ethical theories, such as deontology or rights-based ethics, where certain actions are considered inherently right or wrong regardless of their consequences. Consequentialist theories, such as utilitarianism, evaluate actions based on their outcomes rather than on principles like equality.

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The Exchange of Evidence Principle was postulated by Karl Popper, an Austrian-British philosopher of science. Popper's principle suggests that scientific theories should be testable and falsifiable through observation and experimentation.

How principle of teaching are derived?

There are many ways in which the principles of teaching can be derived. One way in which a principle is derived is the need for change or efficiency.

What are some traditional trade theories of globalization?

mercantilism, absolute advantages principle, comporative advantages principle, factor proportions theory, international product life cycle, dependency theory.